Taeri Kim
Ph. D. Candidate, Computer Science Department, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Research Interests
- Recommender Systems
- Graph Mining
- NAVER Ph. D. Fellowship 2022
- 한국정보과학회 (KCC 2019) 우수 발표 논문상
- ICCC 2019 Best Paper Award
5 International Conference Papers
- Taeri Kim, Noseong Park, Jiwon Hong, and Sang-Wook Kim, “Phishing URL Detection: A Network-based Approach Robust to Evasion,” In Proc. of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS 2022), pp. 1769–1782, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Nov. 7-11, 2022 (full paper). (*co-first authors with equal contribution)
- Taeri Kim, Yeon-Chang Lee, Kijung Shin, and Sang-Wook Kim, “MARIO: Modality-Aware Attention and Modality-Preserving Decoders for Multimedia Recommendation”, In Proc. of the 31st ACM Int’l Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (ACM CIKM 2022), pp.993–1002, Atlanta, GA, USA, Oct. 17-21, 2022 (full paper). (*co-first authors with equal contribution)
- Taeyong Kong, Taeri Kim, Jinsung Jeon, Jeongwhan Choi, Yeon-Chang Lee, Noseong Park and Sang-Wook Kim, “Linear, or Non-Linear, That is the Question!”, In Proc. of the 15th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (ACM WSDM 2022), pp. 517-525, Virtual Event, Tempe, Arizona, USA, Feb. 21-25, 2022 (full paper). (*co-first authors with equal contribution)
- Sung-Jun Park, Jiwon Hong, Taeri Kim, Sang-Wook Kim, “Malware Classification: Methods and Evaluation”, In Proc. Int’l Conf. on Convergence Content (ICCC 2019), pp. 267-268, Johor, Malaysia, Dec. 19-21, 2019 (short paper).
- Jiwon Hong, Sung-Jun Park, Taeri Kim, Yung-Kyun Noh and Sang-Wook Kim, “Malware Classification for Identifying Author Groups: A Graph-based Approach”, In Proc. of ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (ACM RACS 2019), pp. 169-174, Chongqing, China, Sep. 24-27, 2019 (full paper).
1 International Journal Paper
- Jiyeon Kim, Taeri Kim, and Sang-Wook Kim, “Read between the Interactions: Understanding Non-interacted Items for Accurate Multimedia Recommendation,” (Computer Science and Information Systems 2022), pp., 2022. (*co-first authors with equal contribution) (accepted to appear)
4 Domestic Conference Papers
- 김윤기, 김태리, 김상욱, “그래프 합성곱 신경망 기반 멀티미디어 추천에서의 모달리티 융합 방법 평가”, 한국정보과학회 KSC 2022, pp.113-115, 제주도, 2022년 12월 20일 - 23일
- 박성준, 홍지원, 김태리, 김상욱, “K-Nearest Neighbors 기반의 분류 근거 시각화 도구”, KSC 2019, pp. 132-133, 평창 휘닉스파크, 2019년 12월 18-20일.
- 김태리, 홍지원, 박노성, 김상욱, “그래프 기반의 피싱 URL 탐지 방법 비교 (Comparison of Graph-Based Methods for Phishing URL Detection)”, KCC 2019, pp. 208-209, 제주 국제컨벤션센터, 2019년 6월 26-28일.
- 김태리, 홍지원, 박노성, 김상욱, “문자열 기반의 피싱 URL 탐지 방법 비교”, KSC 2018, pp. 1023-1025, 평창 휘닉스파크, 2018년 12월 19-21일.
1 Domestic Journal Paper
- 김태리, 홍지원, 박노성, 김상욱, “그래프 기반의 피싱 URL 탐지,” 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 156-160, 2020년 3월.
3 Domestic Patents
- 김상욱, 김홍일, 김태리, 허지호, 환자의 과거 방문 정보들을 효과적으로 활용하기 위한 의약품 추천 방법 및 시스템
- 김상욱, 김윤기, 김태리, 모달리티 특징 반영과 타겟 아이템에 대한 사용자 흥미 모델링을 위한 멀티미디어 추천 방법 및 장치, 출원번호: 10-2022-0128588
- 김상욱, 이연창, 김태리, 모달리티의 고유 특성을 보존하는 멀티미디어 추천 방법 및 장치, 출원번호: 10-2022-0047339
- Jiwon Hong, Taeri Kim, Jing Liu, Noseong Park, Sang-Wook Kim, Phishing URL Detection with Lexical Features and Blacklisted Domains, Adaptive Autonomous Secure Cyber Systems 2020 (Chapter 12), pp. 253-267, Springer, 2020 (Jiwon Hong, Taeri Kim, and Jing Liu are listed in alphabetical order and equally contributed)